Kim, over at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure,
has a goal to make 11 quilts in 2011.
She was willing to make time
(and possibly offer a prize or 2 at the end of the year)
to keep track of those who want to join her.
I *think* I can make 11 quilts this year.
Yikes, that sounds like ALOT!
But I already have 1 done. And #2 is 90% done.
And I have #3 completely pieced.
And #4 is over half way pieced.
We'll say #5 is my Block A Palooza quilt, so again, half way pieced.
So, Ok, maybe I can do this!
Just as an FYI, I do not plan to count my runners/table squares,
etc....only real quilts.
I'll keep you updated!