Saturday, November 26, 2011

11 in '11 Update

Do you remember that Kim started a challenge/goal back in January of completing 11 quilts in 2011?
That seemed fairly do-able, although I knew I was going to miss 2 months due to our big Hawaii vacation.
I haven't posted picture's yet, mostly because, you guessed it, I haven't taken any, but I did complete quilt #10 back in October. I took a machine quilting class and picked out some baby girl colors for my quilt top. I had planned on giving it away as a baby gift, but teen daughter #2 convinced me to keep it as an easter quilt.  As it is my first free motion quilting project, it didn't take much to convince me.

I figured that after that, it was smooth sailing. I had plans for a christmas quilt, plus a quilt each for my niece and nephew for christmas. Fast forward to today....28 days 'til christmas.
My christmas quilt top is done, it just needs borders added. Maybe this week?
But, the other 2 quilts have been taken off the list, I simply don't have time.
Part of my goal for next year is going to be to complete as much of the holiday sewing AHEAD OF TIME that I can. Obviously, I may have to wait 'til the fabric comes into season, but I need to get ahead of the game!
So, for now, I will complete my 11 in '11. I will make my goal.
But I can't help wishing I had planned better and gotten those other 2 quilts done.

By the way...the christmas decorating has been started. No tree yet, but hopefully this week. I don't know.....with the drama play next Thurs, Fri and Sat, my week is going to be swamped. But it should be up by next Sunday, anyway. I need some more wall hangings/wreath-y type stuff.  I think I'll head back to Michael's tomorrow and see what I can find.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost over, for those of us in the US.
The turkey was amazing, the family and company was wonderful
and quite a bit of crafting got done!

My in laws are in town, so I am trying not to hide in the Cave too much, instead doing things that I can do in the living room, or at least on the same floor as everyone else!

I finished my Candlemat swap gift, I just need to wrap and mail it.
I worked on 3 different sets of christmas decorations.
None are done, but all are pretty close to it.

And, I think I am going to brave the Black Friday crowds and head out in the morning to get some shopping done. Not christmas shopping, unless you count "stuff" as christmas shopping.
I am going to hit Michaels, Joanns, and maybe Hancock Fabrics.
And since Allie is going with me, we'll absolutely be stopping for refreshments at Starbucks :)

I have an order partially planned for the FatQuarterShop on Monday.
I may add a few things to my cart, we'll see how I do tomorrow.
If you haven't heard, they are having 25% off your purchase on Cyber Monday.
I'll also be ordering a few quilt books from Martingale Press tomorrow, when their things go 50% off.

If you celebrated thanksgiving, I hope it was a good one!
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

FNSI Results

My 12 days of christmas quilt top is (almost) done! Yeah for FNSI!
I changed the layout of this pattern, instead of 5x5 rows, I went with 4x6.
I'm going to add some borders to make it a bit wider, but my family loves long blankets that we can tuck in around our legs. The border fabric is on its way, so I hope to finish this next week.
This is half of it, the current dimensions are about 48x72.

I also got most of my peppermint candy pillow cut out.
After that, hubby demanded attention as he learned to use his new iphone.
But, a good night and alot accomplished!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FNSI this week!

The FNSI is this week!
Are you signed up?
Did you remember?
The link should be at the bottom of my blog.
I used to have the image on my pc and I could repost is inside the blog....
except I got a new pc and its gone.
I could go on the old hard drive and find it.
But its late and I'm tired.
18 years ago today I married my hubby, and he spent the whole of today
showing me how much that means to him.
He's a good guy and way more romantic then I am! LOL

But, the Friday Night Sew In is just a few days away.
I've missed the last few due to conflicts, so combine that with a very long todo list and I am there this week!
Nothing will stop me!
Well, unless I forget.
Which I'll try not to! LOL
Hope to see you there.
Well, not see you really.
But I hope you can participate!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Five

1. The drama play is only 3 weeks away and I am so excited.
Did I tell you they are performing Miracle on 34th Street and my (almost 11) 10 year old daughter has the child lead? I can't wait to see it, they have been working so hard.

2. Allie will be 11 next week. I can't believe how fast the time goes.

3. I am really excited to start Mama and Me journals with my kids.
I got the idea from Pinterest, and I'll show them off later when I get 'em started.

4. My secret santa stuff is coming along nicely. I am just about ready to wrap it all and get it shipped off to Jen. I hope she likes it.

5. Pinterest. My new addiction. If you are a craft junky like I am, well, beware. Its like crack. I am way too lazy and busy to spend hours randomly surfing the web for cool ideas. But I have time to browse Pinterest several times a day looking at new stuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

Here are just a few things I've been working on lately...
These are wood letters that I painted and then cut fabric to fit.
I used modpodge to make the fabric stick and then had hubby screw them into a piece of wood for a base. My fall decorations are not near as awesome as some of my other holiday's, so I am working on adding more.

This wall hanging idea came out of Quilts and More (I think).
I added the borders to make it big enough for my wall.
What you can't see is that all those leaves are individual and appliqued on!

Rag Wreath

Hurricane Glass with dried beans (split peas, black beans, and corn) in it, tied with fall ribbon,
Its sitting on the runner I made last year.

My not so little trick or treaters.
Ninja, Tardis, Pirate and Ginny Weasley.
I made the Tardis and pirate

I Dream of Jeannie and Major Nelson.
I made my costume and put hubby's together from an old uniform he already had.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Christmas Countdown

The Christmas countdown has officially begun.
Its 53 days, 16 hours from now, actually.
Mine began the other day when I put a widget on my desktop.
But, its November, so if you haven't started thinking and planning yet,
now is the time!

I won't start my kids gift shopping until the beginning of NEXT month,
but the homemade things need thought about and started  now.
And since I do homemade for most of our extended family,
I need to get busy.
But, first,
the halloween decorations need to come down.
The fall stuff, that made a brief appearance in September,
needs to come back out.
But for today, I have laundry,
dinner and a day of jammies planned!