- My last post was June 11....I wonder if its coincidence that I quit blogging the day before the kids got out of school?
- Right before that, I think around June 4 or 5, I went to the annual DC quilt show and picked up 2 quilt kits, as well as some other "stuffs". One quilt is done, been and back from the quilters and already hanging around the living room. The other is on the cave floor, waiting for the scrappy border to be added, then a solid border, then layer and quilt. I need a bit more yellow fabric, which I hope to pick up tomorrow, and get that on toward finished.
- I have quite a few projects that either need blogged about or pics taken so I can publish the post. Sorry! Furniture that got painted, Disney projects that still haven't been blogged about, dining room chairs, etc etc
- I have another newphew! Oliver was born June 7, on my daughter's 17th birthday. He looks like another doll baby!
- My daycare baby, who I will get starting in September, is a GIRL!!!! OMGosh, she is just so precious and I can't wait to take care of her!
- Swoon is almost off the grid....I have found another quilt that I love more and am contemplating that for my bed instead. Have you seen this one? I figured it out on EQ7 today, I have almost enough fabric.....its alot to think about.
- Speaking of EQ7....I got it last year for Mother's Day. How sweet of my family, huh? Yeah, you probably know I ordered it myself, but its the thought that counts. Anyway, I hated it. And it was expensive. Made me sick, really. I have the Quilt Design Wizard (by the same company) and I love it, so I thought EQ7 would be great. I tried it a few times between then and now, and still, just ugh. But 18 months later, I persevered, I figured it out (I think!) and I am definitely more comfortable with it! Yeah!
- The children are having a good summer. Its hard to believe that I have a senior, a junior, a 6th grader and a 5th grader. 3 different schools. 2 different drama clubs. And, did I mention a SENIOR? I am starting to freak out a bit. Its tempered with the knowledge that she will probably never move out, a fact she freely admits.
Ok, let's see if I can leave you with a pic.....
I found a photo of a rainbow cake on Pinterest, but I wasn't thrilled with the recipe they used, so I just used a white cake mix, mixed up my colors and voila, check this out!
It tasted as good as it looked!
Have a good night.
I'll try to get back here more often!