Thursday, August 16, 2012

Burp Cloths

It continually amazes me, what wonderful things people come up with on the internet.
Thanks to Natalia, over at Piece N Quilt, I designed these adorable burp clothes.

Adalynn is my friend Amanda's new baby.
She was born July 19th
and will be my "daycare" baby starting next month.
I can't wait to take care of her!

But, mom and dad did not want to know the sex of the baby before s/he was born.
So, I told them a quilt would have to wait until after the birth, because I wanted it to be gender specific. As soon as the baby was born, I whipped up these fantastic spit up cloths and brought them to the hospital as my "welcome baby" gift.
I love how they turned out, and I know Amanda does too!
The quilt has already been made and delivered, but you'll have to wait to see that!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sew Spooky is in the house

Sew Spooky is here!
It arrived on Thursday, 6 weeks late and VERY much anticipated.
I know we've covered how halloween is my favorite holiday.
This quilt is going to be an amazing addition to my decorations.

And I wasted no time getting started on it.
Here is block 1

The block is complete with the exception of the hand stitching. If you look closely, you should be able to see my smoke coming out of the chimney lines.

Just in case you are interested,
I got mine from Homespun Hearth. The 6 weeks late was the fault of the fabric company, not HSH, and I was very happy with their customer service. I would definitely order from them again!