It continually amazes me, what wonderful things people come up with on the internet.
Thanks to Natalia, over at Piece N Quilt, I designed these adorable burp clothes.
Adalynn is my friend Amanda's new baby.
She was born July 19th
and will be my "daycare" baby starting next month.
I can't wait to take care of her!
But, mom and dad did not want to know the sex of the baby before s/he was born.
So, I told them a quilt would have to wait until after the birth, because I wanted it to be gender specific. As soon as the baby was born, I whipped up these fantastic spit up cloths and brought them to the hospital as my "welcome baby" gift.
I love how they turned out, and I know Amanda does too!
The quilt has already been made and delivered, but you'll have to wait to see that!