Thursday, October 6, 2011

More Presents!

I'm a bit late posting, but I got my newest set of Santa sack gifts in the mail last week.
Friday? Saturday? I don't remember cuz Allie brought it to me while I was in the cave sewing.
But, it came! Thanks Jen!!!
Everything looks fabulous and I can't wait to open it all!
I know you believe me that it looks great, but here's the proof:
My sack is filling up!
A peek inside!

Jen did send me an extra treat that she let me open right away.

It was a 2 part suprise:
A Bath and Body Works purse size hand sanitizer.
That Teen #2 promptly sniffed and stole and I don't have a picture of.
But here's the other gift:

OMGosh, it smells amazing!!!! One of my very favorite scents!
I'm not sure what Bath and Body calls it, but it smells exactly like Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie!
Sooooooo good!
Jen, thank you so much for everything!

And just to tease you some more:
Here's a small piece of something I just completed for you:
I love his smiling little face!

1 comment:

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Oh hooray!!! I'm glad you like the candle because I couldn't decide on a scent. I think it's written on the sticker on the bottom of the candle. I'm almost positive it's a Vanilla or Sugar something. And your pocket bac was stolen. PHOOEY! Your sack is filling up. The snowman is super cute!! I wonder what it is!!?!