Friday, December 9, 2011

FNSI Results

My FNSI Results are in:
Off and on all day I worked on my 12 days of christmas quilt.
Its coming along, that's all I can say.
I may enjoy the fleece on the back of it when its done,
but for now: I hate it.

Luckily, I tackled a few other projects as well:

Soft baby blocks for my nephew for christmas.
I had one done and finished up the other tonight.

I also finished up some pillowcases my daughter was making for her and her brother.
Not featured are the christmas gifts her and I worked on that she is giving each member of our family.
I feel like its not a large list, but any progress is still progress, right?

1 comment:

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Progress is good. I did some sewing but never officially signed up for FNSI.