Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday Top 5

1. My real estate guy is coming today for my bi-annual house check up. I took this as a sign that I needed to get my sewing room cleaned up better. I worked on it off and on all day yesterday and it shows a huge improvement. It might not be done by this afternoon when Phil get's here, but it'll be better!

2. Amy's OTOW challenge is up this week...and my goal is to get everything not sewing or crafting related out of my sewing room. I'll have before and after pics for you when its done! I know there are prizes at the end of the week, but I really just try to use her as motivation to get something done that might not have gotten done.

3. I love the Fat Quarter Shop! Last week there were running a sale, free shipping with a $40 purchase. I quickly decided to get some Moda Marbles yardage that I need to finish a quilt. That arrived yesterday. And, those ladies are awesome! I tried to order a yard of something and got a popup that they only had 3/4. So, I ordered that. The next day they called to say all they had was (2) 1/2 yard cuts and would that be ok? Fortunately, it was and they sent me that at no extra charge! Yeah for great service! Last night, I placed another order, this time for backing/binding for a jelly roll I got at christmas. I've been wanting to order it before the store doesn't carry it anymore, and I'm glad I did last night, as the selection is getting slim.  I really need to keep in mind that when ordering precuts, I really need to order extra yardage to go with it, so that I don't miss out.

4. I'm having a baby! Ok, well, not really having.....but getting! My girlfriend is due the end of July and has asked me to watch the little one when she goes back to work in Sept! I'm so excited! Boy or girl, no one knows! Psst, I already bought some cloth diapers to make fancy spit up cloths, a la Natalia over at Piece and Quilt.

5. Amidst the sewing room cleaning, I've also done quite a bit some sewing this past weekend. I got double valances made for Allie's room window...those have only been on the to do list for about a year. And, I got a quilt pattern picked out, fabric bought and washed and the top COMPLETELY pieced for my new newphew due next month! Yesterday morning, I layered and pinned it, so it is now ready for quilting! In my boring Saturday afternoon time, I made a 14x14 pillow cover to match the quilt! I guess mom or dad can use that, as baby won't need it! LOL

1 comment:

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

bi-annual house checkup?? is your house sick? LOL!! congratulations on getting a baby! You'll have fun with that one. Can give it back once the baby gets cranky. No sleepless nights either. ;)

I did some sewing this weekend as well. Just need to show what I've worked on.