Thursday, May 19, 2011

The End is Coming

The Rapture is happening this Saturday?
I guess I should get ready!

Wait.....yeah, I'm probably not going.
I'm too skeptical of all of this talk.

But, that's not what I am here to chat about.
I've been sewing and sewing!
And dealing with a stubborn migraine that is not going away,
but that's beside the point.

Yesterday, I finished Allie's 4 layer skirt.

So cute!
She picked out the fabrics, and they came out beautifully together.
Of course, she had to wear it to school today.

And, here's her first quilt square.

I'm not going to say she is doing it all on her own,
cuz I seem to be doing an awful lot of pinning and all of the cutting.
And some of the ironing.
BUT she is doing almost all of the sewing.

I also started my new spring/summer purse yesterday.
Finished it today, so voila, here it is:

And, I finished a dress for Samantha. Maybe she'll try it on later and I can get a pic.
But, its one of those fabric's where the top is already smocked, so all you have to do is sew a seam down the back, hem it and its done.
An easy cross off on the list, so that makes me happy.
I have another one of those to do for Allie, I'm just waiting for her to get home so I know how big to make it.

My pace right now is one thing crossed off her day.
If I keep up this pace, I'll be done in a month! LOL

The FNSI is tomorrow night.
Are you signed up?
If not, check it out here.

Not sure yet what I will be working on, but you know my list is long, so I'll find something.

1 comment:

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Great skirt and quilt block! A little assistance is good. Those points matched up beautifully. Lovely summer bag too.